{% block checkout_errors %} {% include 'errors.inc.twig' %} {% endblock checkout_errors %} {% block noscript_warning %} {% endblock noscript_warning %}
{% block required_hidden_fields %} {% if auth_token_is_valid %} {% endif %} {# preserve paypal express variables #} {% if token != '' and payer_id != '' %} {% endif %} {% for var_name, var_value in hosted_gateway_vars %} {% endfor %} {% endblock required_hidden_fields %}
{% block login_register %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_email|raw }} {# A trap to catch webkit's overagressive autofill. #}
{# logic for setting the wrapper class regarding alerts, if one is needed #} {% if email_is_checking %} {% set message_class = 'fc-alert-container--info' %} {% else %} {% set message_class = '' %} {% endif %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string('customer_email', messages.errors) %} {% set warning_string = utils.get_warning_string('customer_email', messages.warnings) %}
{% if not customer_is_authenticated %} {# Not SSO authenticated #} {% if warning_string != "" %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_modify_subscription_email_changed_notice|raw }}

{% endif %} {% if email_is_valid %} {% if is_anonymous == 1 or (has_subscriptions == false and checkout_type == 'guest_only') %} {# guest checkout: do nothing #} {% else %} {% if email_is_checking %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_instructions_email_checking|raw }}

{% if error_string %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_updateinfo_email_not_found|raw }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {# email not found, do nothing #} {% endif %} {% else %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_error_email|raw }}
{% endif %} {% else %}{# customer_is_authenticated #} {# Is SSO authenticated, email is readonly #} {# Why do we need a hidden email field below? If we use it for setting the email, it's unsafe. #}

{{ customer_email }}

{{ config.lang.checkout_sso_already_logged_in|raw }}

{% endif %}
{% endblock login_register %}
{% if config.template_config.newsletter_subscribe.usage != "none" %}
{% endif %} {% if not is_subscription_cancel %} {% set show_billing_address = true %} {% if config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_first_name'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_last_name'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_address1'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_address2'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_city'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_region'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_postal_code'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_country'] == 'hidden' %} {% set show_billing_address = false %} {% endif %} {# SHIPPING ADDRESS ===================================================== #} {% if shipping_address.has_shippable_products %}
{% block customer_shipping %} {% if not has_multiship %} {% include "address.checkout.inc.twig" with {'address': shipping_address} %} {% else %} {% for multiship in multiship_data %} {% include 'address.checkout.inc.twig' with {'address': multiship} %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if show_billing_address and multiship_show_use_different_addresses %} {{ utils.use_different_addresses(use_different_addresses, config.lang) }} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endblock customer_shipping %}
{% endif %} {# BILLING ADDRESS ===================================================== #} {% if show_billing_address %}
{% block customer_billing %} {% if use_alternate_shipping_address or not shipping_address.has_shippable_products %} {% include "address.checkout.inc.twig" with {'address': billing_address} %} {% endif %} {% endblock customer_billing %}
{% endif %} {# SHIPPING METHOD ===================================================== #} {% if shipping_address.has_shippable_products and not has_multiship %}
{% if shipping_address.has_live_rate_shippable_products or shipping_address.shipping_results|length > 0 %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_shipping_method|raw }} {% if shipping_address.loading_shipping_results %}
{% endif %} {% set id_error_string = utils.get_error_string('shipping_service_id', messages.errors) %} {% if shipping_address.shipping_results|length > 0 %} {{ utils.shipping_results(shipping_address, "fc-input-group--full-page", messages.errors, config.lang) }} {% endif %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string('shipping-results',messages.errors) %} {% if error_string %}
{{ error_string }}
{% endif %} {% if false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if config.template_config.custom_script_values.multiship_checkout_fields %} {% include template_from_string(config.template_config.custom_script_values.multiship_checkout_fields) %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}

If you would like to have a message card enclosed please add your message below:

If this is a surprise, what's the best way to reach you should we have a question?

{# PAYMENT METHOD ===================================================== #}
{% block payment_method %} {% set show_payment_type_block = config.supports_pay_with_plastic or config.supports_purchase_order or hosted_payment_gateways|length > 0 %} {% if show_payment_type_block %} {% set payment_method_input_type = config.has_multiple_payment_options or has_saved_cc ? 'radio' : 'hidden' %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_payment_method|raw }} {% if payment_info_required %} {% endif %}

Purchase with Confidence
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

{% if config.supports_pay_with_plastic and payment_info_required %} {% if has_saved_cc %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string('cc_cvv2_saved',messages.errors) %}
{% if payment_method_type == "plastic_saved" %}

{{ cc_exp_month }}/{{ cc_exp_year }}

{% if is_updateinfo == false and ((config.template_config.csc_requirements == "all_cards" and is_uoe == false) or (config.template_config.csc_requirements == "sso_only" and customer_is_authenticated)) %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_error_verification_code|raw }}
{% endif %}{# has_saved_cc #} {% set cvv2_error_string = utils.get_error_string('cc_cvv2',messages.errors) %} {% set cc_number_error_string = utils.get_error_string('cc_number',messages.errors) %}
{% if payment_method_type == 'plastic_new' %}
{% set field_name = 'cc_exp_month' %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string(field_name, messages.errors) %}
{% set field_name = 'cc_exp_year' %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string(field_name, messages.errors) %}
{% set field_name = 'cc_cvv2' %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string(field_name, messages.errors) %}
{% endif %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_error_verification_code|raw }}
{{ config.lang.checkout_error_card_number|raw }}
{% endif %}{# config.supports_pay_with_plastic and payment_info_required #} {% if payment_info_required and show_paypal_express_payment_option and not is_updateinfo %}
{% if payment_method_type == 'paypal' %}
{% if paypal_payer_email %} {{ config.lang.checkout_payment_method_paypal_confirmed|raw }} {{ paypal_payer_email }} {% else %} {{ config.lang.checkout_payment_method_paypal|raw }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# show_paypal_express_payment_option and not is_updateinfo #} {% if not is_updateinfo and payment_info_required %} {% for hosted_gateway in hosted_payment_gateways if ((hosted_gateway.supports_subscriptions == false and has_subscriptions == false) or hosted_gateway.supports_subscriptions) %}
{% if hosted_gateway.type == 'paypal_plus' %}
{% endif %} {% if payment_method_type == hosted_gateway.type %}
{{ hosted_gateway.lang_payment_method }}
{% endif %}
{% if hosted_gateway.type == 'paypal_plus' %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_validation_paypal_plus_error|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}{# not is_updateinfo and payment_info_required #} {% if config.supports_purchase_order and not is_updateinfo and payment_info_required %}
{% set po_error_string = utils.get_error_string('purchase_order', messages.errors) %}
{% if payment_method_type == 'purchase_order' %}
{% endif %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_error_purchase_order|raw }}
{% endif %}{# config.supports_purchase_order and not is_updateinfo and payment_info_required #} {% if not payment_info_required %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_no_payment_needed|raw }}
{% endif %}{# payment_info_required #}
{% endif %}{# show_payment_type_block #} {% endblock payment_method %}
{# ADDITIONAL FIELDS ===================================================== #}
{% block additional_fields %}
{{ config.lang.checkout_almost_done|raw }} {% if config.template_config.custom_script_values.checkout_fields %} {% include template_from_string(config.template_config.custom_script_values.checkout_fields) %} {% endif %} {% if config.template_config.tos_checkbox_settings.usage != "none" and config.template_config.tos_checkbox_settings.url != '' %}
{% set field_name = 'tos_agreement' %} {% set error_string = '' %} {% if config.template_config.tos_checkbox_settings.usage == "required" %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string(field_name, messages.errors) %} {% endif %} {% set hidden_field_prefix = '' %} {% if config.template_config.tos_checkbox_settings.is_hidden %} {% set hidden_field_prefix = 'h:' %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if customer_in_the_eu and config.template_config.eu_secure_data_transfer_consent.usage != "none" %} {% set field_name = 'secure_data_transfer_consent' %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string(field_name, messages.errors) %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_secure_data_transfer_consent }}

{% endif %} {% if (anonymous_checkout_selected == false) and (change_password or force_password_reset or ((is_updateinfo == false) and (email_is_found == false) and (has_subscriptions or (checkout_type != "guest_only")))) %} {% set error_string = utils.get_error_string('new_customer_password',messages.errors) %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock additional_fields %}
{% if use_recaptcha %}
{% block recaptcha %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %} {# SUBMIT BUTTON ===================================================== #}
{% block submit_button %}
{% if payment_method_type in ["plastic_new", "plastic_saved"] %} {% if config.template_config.use_checkout_confirmation_window.usage == "required" %} {% set checkout_button_text = config.lang.checkout_confirm_your_purchase %} {% set checkout_button_helper_text = config.lang.checkout_payment_confirmation %} {% else %} {% set checkout_button_text = config.lang.checkout_complete_your_purchase %} {% set checkout_button_helper_text = '' %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set checkout_button_helper_text = config.lang['checkout_payment_method_' ~ payment_method_type] %} {% set checkout_button_text = config.lang.checkout_complete_your_purchase %} {% endif %} {% if is_updateinfo %} {% set checkout_button_text = config.lang.checkout_update_my_information %} {% set checkout_button_helper_text = '' %} {% endif %} {% if is_subscription_modification %} {% set checkout_button_text = config.lang.checkout_update_my_subscription %} {% set checkout_button_helper_text = '' %} {% endif %}
{% if checkout_button_helper_text %}

{{ checkout_button_helper_text }}

{% endif %}

Your credit card will be charged by clicking on "Complete Your Purchase"

{% endblock submit_button %}
{% else %}{# is_subscription_cancel #}
{{ config.lang.checkout_almost_done|raw }}
{% block subscription_cancel %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_subscription_cancel_helper_text|raw }}

{% endblock subscription_cancel %}
{% endif %}