Looking Forward
to the New Baby
Morganite and Diamond Necklace
I don’t know why we parents do this. We were going to have a baby. The ultrasound person asked, and we said “No, well wait.” She said,” I know!” We said, “That’s fine. We’ll wait. We just want a healthy baby.” She said, “that’s the best answer.”
We decorated the nursery, the bassinet was white lace with pink touches and blue ribbons threaded through. It was beautiful. I took a photograph in the late afternoon, December light before the baby arrived. Of my 100,000 photographs, it’s still in my top ten favorite pictures. It’s a big 8 x 10 color photo, grainy image due to low light. I think it’s good enough to be a National Geographic top 100 photo of the year.
The baby arrived. The baby was healthy. We got exactly what we wanted.

Looking Forward
to the New Baby,
Morganite & Diamond Necklace
This gem is Morganite, named after J.P. Morgan, the New York financier. Morganite is identical to aquamarine. While aquamarine is pastel blue, Morganite is pastel pink. Trace elements make it come out pink. The morganite bassinet is surrounded by a lace of pure white diamonds and set in 14K white gold. The Morganite is a big cushion-cut gem weighing over 5 carats and measuring 12 x 10mm. The necklace reminds me of becoming a father for the first time. I was surprised by how powerfully becoming a dad struck me. For a full two years, I couldn’t say I was a dad out loud without choking up. It still catches me sometimes, 40 years later.

Why We Love This Piece
I’m a dad. I have both a son and two daughters. Nothing in life prepared me for the awesome emotions I felt as I became a parent. With each child’s birth, the emotions were the same and yet, remarkably different. The pink gem is precious, pure, and rare. The two we have are big, serious gems surrounded by a halo of diamonds. Because of their pastel color, we always make them in white gold.
Each time I became a dad I, gave my wife a piece of jewelry. This necklace would have been perfect. I would have given this necklace except it hadn’t been invented 40 years ago.