Tide’s Edge Ring
As a kid I lived at the ocean during summers. The following are thoughts about the hundreds of hours spent at the tide’s edge.
Somewhere at the edge of an August beach of your childhood, a tide pool shimmers in the summer heat, its cool, clear water surrounding your ankles. Beneath its surface, starfish, sea urchins, and tiny crabs dream mysteries of the deep.
As a kid I spent my summers on a white sand beach on the coast of Maine. There was a tidal river with saltwater marshes at one end of the beach, and cliffs, rocks and tide pools at the other end of the beach with a quarter mile of white beach sand between. From my youth I have walked the tide line many hundreds of times feeling the pulse and flow of rise and fall, wind and waves, and spent hundreds of hours in the tide pools at the cliffs.
Tide pools were bath tub to swimming pool-size, walkable, wadeable, sometimes swimmable, real world aquariums with starfish, sea urchins, limpets and lady slipper shells, kelp and seaweed, fish, crabs, and baby lobsters. They were places of endless fascination. We often stayed so long we would be there as the tide came in and flooded into our water world with cold, fresh Atlantic saltwater.
The Tide’s Edge Ring is the advancing edge of the tide line as it sweeps in across sand beach and rock lined shore side pools. We place a colored gem in the center with two accent diamonds on either side.