Ring Sizing - Cross Jewelers
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Ring Sizing Details


Why Cross Should Absolutely Size Your New Ring

Cross does the very best job of sizing rings we have made. While a local jeweler could size one of our rings, we prefer to do the sizing because we understand intimately the gem and the design construction of the rings we make.

There are many ways to size a ring – good, better, and best. Our jewelers take whatever amount of time is necessary to ensure it’s done correctly. Your new ring deserves the best; it’s likely to be in your family for many generations to come. Sizing of your new Cross ring is always free and our shop does the very best job.


A “Perfect Fit” Size Ring

It would be nice if fingers had a fixed size and stayed that way, but alas, they change. Time of year ( summer/winter), time of day, recent exercise, and even a salty meal can all influence finger size. In warm, humid weather, fingers can be a full size larger compared to cold winter months.

There is no such thing as a perfect finger size. Look in the jewelry box of many women with multiple rings, and you’ll often find a range of sizes for rings worn on the same finger (5.75, 6.25, 6.5). Many women will choose to wear a ring based on the comfort feel first thing in the morning and choose accordingly. There may be several weeks when a ring is too tight or too loose, and it’s simply best not to try to wear the ring during periods of extremes.

Is there one perfect size… not really, and it’s important to understand we strive for a size that works for the majority of the year. We accept and expect; there are times when any ring will simply not fit well.

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