Swift, fast, fleet, piercing, precise bullet shape diamonds poised east and west of center. Center big oval SparHawk mint-green-teal tourmaline from Maine’s newest gem mine in the western mountains of Maine. Very desirable 3+ carat gem cut by America’s best gem cutter Sean Sweeney.
Hunting Season
Green Trees – Silver Flash
Many years ago, a cross customer had been cleaning out the estate of a great aunt. She had many very fine pieces of jewelry. Within her jewelry collection was an old, perfectly preserved, Cartier jewelry catalog. As one jeweler commenting on another jeweler’s designs, the 1925 Cartier catalog represented the finest collection of diamond jewelry designs I’d ever seen. Clean, classic lines, impeccable craftsmanship, ideal relationships of center to sides, grace, harmony, and balance, everything about the designs shown impressed us immensely. The customer gave us the catalog. We studied it closely. What impressed us most were shapes of the accent diamonds. We had never seen these shapes used in jewelry. Sounds like Cross is recommending the 1925 Cartier, we are. They were and are a very fine jewelry store.
Back to our store and the ring which was shown in that nearly 100 year old catalog. The side diamonds are referred to as bullet shaped diamonds. The women in our store have told me we shouldn’t use the word bullet, but it is the name diamond cutters traditionally use for these sparkling shaped gems. Bullet shaped diamonds are not commonly used in contemporary jewelry and represent a rare touch of white brilliance at the side of our oval SparHawk tourmaline center. This ring in all platinum is stunning.
Gem Find of a Lifetime Video
World Famous Discoveries

Treasure Trove of Gems
I’ve always dreamed of a gem find like this. To have this mine be so close to home, just 28 miles north of our store in the mountains of western Maine, is amazing. Gems so fine, so pure, with colors so vivid. It’s important someone documents this historic gem find here in Maine, because it’s a history-making discovery in the world of gems.
The video above is 1:43. It gives you a good idea of the excitement we feel for the gems we are discovering here in Maine.
Maine has been world-famous for the tourmaline gems mined here for over 200 years. The geology in our western mountains has yielded a treasure trove of world class gems. Cross Jewelers has been the Maine state leader, bringing fine Maine tourmaline jewelry to all of America for over 100 years.
We have over 200 pieces of Maine tourmaline jewelry from both the SparHawk mine and other Maine mines.
Two options for deeper Maine gem mine understanding:
A.) The 32-page written story of the 2013 gem mining season at the SparHawk mine.
b.) A collection of gem mining videos at the SparHawk mine.