Rare Kryptonite Maine
Triangular Tourmaline
Over the last half-century as we have acquired lots of Maine tourmaline, one of the things I’ve been partial to is triangular cut gems. There have been just a few, and when one came along, they almost always were of superior cutting and had extra zing. The colors were great.
After buying triangles occasionally for a dozen years, I asked our primary cutter why triangular tourmaline seemed extra bright. He told me he cut them from special crystals that allowed the triangle shape. “I think they’re prettier, too,” he said.
Rarely did we put them into rings. I don’t remember having a matched pair for earrings. Once, just once, we made a bracelet. So, for the rare few that found their way to our collection, I’m surprised and delighted to show this Kryptonite Maine tourmaline necklace. This necklace has a row of diamonds surrounding the center gem. I would buy a dozen of these gems if I could right now. But, Maine tourmaline from original sources is becoming more rare, and great triangles are almost impossible to find. There is something about the green color echoing down into the interior of the triangle that creates a haunting mystery.
Why We Love This Necklace
I will admit to a particular fascination for triangular tourmaline because there is an extra zing to the gem… more sparkle and an added intensity of color. Triangles are simply prettier. Put a rim of diamonds surrounding the center, and you have gem magic. As a necklace, the chain slides freely through the articulated bail. On its 18-inch chain, the necklace lies naturally two inches from her heart. It’s a simple design and has a smart, sophisticated look.
Kryptonite Green
Maine Tourmaline & Diamond Necklace
I’ve been to the mine with experts surrounding, talking, sharing everything they know, and they do know everything, until a new pocket is opened and everyone is surprised with a new color. A combination of molecular mineral magic and nature just throwing the dice and four aces up. There aren’t many but some crystals from the SparHawk mine, when cut in almost the wrong direction, yield a gem with an otherworldly glow – Kryptonite. Yes, it’s just cartoon science fiction, a gem crystal from another planet glowing green, able to bring Superman to his knees gasping for breath. In the last four years we’ve found only a few Kryptonite stones. This piece is similar to Superman’s logo profile of a cut diamond only upside down. When you buy this piece be on the lookout for guys dressed in red, blue and gold and watch to see if their knees buckle.