Center colored gem is the full moon
Right-facing crescent moon in diamonds
Left-facing crescent moon in diamonds
The center of this Triple Goddess ring is an oval of Maine tourmaline. We call it the Triple Goddess because each crescent has three diamonds. This is a smooth, easy, elegant right-hand ring.

The Goddess by the Sea
We’re 50-feet above sea level, 300 feet back. In the summer, we have breakfast on the oak terrace. For three years she walked her two white dogs precisely at 8:45 every morning down on the road looping the freshwater marsh.
Nancy would say, “The goddess is on the road.” I’d put my paper down. She was not dressed like anyone I’ve ever known. She was not dressed for dog walking. She was a runway model at 100 yards. She was tall, young. She wore long flowing skirts in light colors, and she held a good pace with her matching dogs. Her posture was impeccable. I would have sworn she had just stepped off of Mt Olympus. If it was just she who walked through the park we would have noticed, add the two graceful hounds on leashes of equal length, and it was an opening to a French foreign film.
Nancy was as interested with her as I was. At the end of three years, we no longer saw her. I’m surprised neither of us thought to go down on the road and pass her in the opposite direction and just say good morning. We knew the time, 8:45. We never met her; we could have. Some things we put off and then it’s too late.
Recently I said to Nancy, “I have a question about 8:45. remember how our nickname for her was ‘the goddess’?”
Nancy said yes.
“We have a ring called The Triple Goddess of the Crescent Moon. What would you think about a story of the goddess walking in the park?”
Nancy said, “Sounds perfect.”

Triple Goddess of the Crescent Moon
SparHawk Maine Tourmaline
& Diamond Ring
The Goddess of the Crescent Moon is one of our most elegant rings. We make it when we have an extra special gem. I wish we had a hundred gems that qualified. We save special gems just for this ring. The gem must have superlative color. It must have precise cutting. Its clarity must be top notch.
The Most Significant Find of Tourmaline
Anywhere in the World is Happening in Maine
Right Now
One of Maine’s most famous tourmaline mines laid fallow for nearly 100 years, then a young guy came along with faith and vision, bought the property, and began exploring for gems again, and as they say, “The rest is history”.
We are pleased to report the old gem mine is now producing SparHawk Mint Green Teal Tourmaline – the world’s newest tourmaline find and at the moment the most important tourmaline discovery in the world.
SparHawk Mint Green Teal Tourmaline is a rare color of green, the result of a unique chemistry of the rock in this part of Maine. This chemistry has created the brightest, most brilliant gemmy green tourmaline we’ve ever had the privilege to offer.
Since this new discovery, we’ve created an amazing collection of SparHawk tourmaline jewelry. This is an exciting time in Maine history. We show many of our SparHawk pieces of jewelry online. To see our complete SparHawk tourmaline collection visit our store in Portland, Maine.
Stories & Videos from the SparHawk Tourmaline Mine