Dreaming of Autumn
We laid down next to each other in the middle of the road. It was safe; no cars were allowed. It was an odd place for a nature meditation, but you’ll soon see why it was so memorable.
We relaxed into the moment; yellow leaves glowed above against a bluebird sky. There was a stillness. It felt like the world had stopped to take a breath.

We were technically trespassing. A ranger could have fined us and the other hikers and bicyclers for wandering through Acadia National Park. It was October 2013, a week into the government shutdown. Access, or lack thereof, to National Parks was big news at the time.
We had parked along the shoulder of one of Acadia’s winding roads and hiked in. Temperatures were in the high 50s, a cloudless day, and a painter’s pallet of reds, oranges, and yellows dashed across the canvas.

Dreaming of Autumn
This necklace captures those dreamy autumn scenes of golden light and leaves. Winter is coming, spring is far off, but here, now, we are enjoying the last moments of fall. Our Dreaming of Autumn piece is fine “wearable art”. Gold nugget petals dapple the surface. This basic design can be made again, but no two will ever be the same for these are crafted by hand. Just like nature, the placement of the leaves will always be different. The lean of the tree, the spread of the branches just so, will be unique to your necklace.
You might question us for visiting the closed park, but if given the chance, we’d do it again in a heartbeat. Several images are shown below of that day we had Acadia to ourselves.
Photos taken October 13, 2013.
Acadia National Park.

Beautiful golden colors.

Looking up at the leaves against the blue sky.

No cars allowed. The park was ours.

The Bubbles at Jordan Pond.
Close Up of Birch Tree
and Leaves of Fall
Fall comes quickly for Birch trees. Their leaves are green May, June, July, and August. Then suddenly, one day in September they are yellow, and magically the leaves fall. It happens fast. The two trunks are pure silver white and 100 golden leaves are made from real pure gold nuggets panned from mountain streams. The piece is fine “wearable art”. The sky between the leaves is darkened silver.
Our guarantee: first day out, at least six compliments or questions. This is a powerful piece.