The Inn has a restaurant. It’s popular with guests and locals. July and August it’s the place to be. Adirondack chairs are placed in pairs around the lawn that slopes down to the ocean’s edge. It’s normal to arrive well before your reservation to enjoy the outdoor space. If you need another reason, they make a great gin-basil cocktail.
She speaks without a word – navy blue top, white pants, open-toed wedge sandals, the bracelet at her wrist. Her smile is warm. She has an elegant ease that draws glances.
She just arrived from out of state. Her outfit is new; the bracelet is new, all for tonight. She’s with her two sisters. They get together yearly, just the three of them, always somewhere different. She organized this year’s trip. Last year they were in the mountains. She’s always loved the ocean. The salt air brings back memories of family trips to the beach when they were kids… ponytails and popsicles. Its good to be together again.
* * * * *
This story is a dreamy blend of several places we’ve been to along our coast. On a warm evening, and with the golden glow of a setting sun, all seems right. The chatter, the laughter, Maine is a great place to be. It’s so perfect, that when looking back, it all feels like a dream.
Big pure white pear-shape pearl, glowing bright in the night. Simple. Simple. Simple. Everyone loves simple. And then we add a dash of blue sapphire seasoning. Six little blue sapphire faceted beads trailing up the gold chain, four shades of blue from deep to light. So small, some may not notice. As you wear, you can feel the freedom of your big white pearl to roll left and roll right. You know this is a sharp look. You and your guy are out on the town. You’re with your group. You lean in to laugh. You lean back to sit. You can feel the pearl roll, you know the blue gems are glistening. You know your group notices. Nice jewelry does that.